Be encouraged by our brothers and sisters working in the field. They are becoming local heroes.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
Proverbs 31:8-9 (NLT)
It is said that The Salvation Army truly becomes “alive” during times of crisis. Think of the hundreds of disasters, great and small, and we have been there serving a hot meal, giving a kind word, or comforting someone with a blanket. We become heroes.
Recent weeks have proven this to be true. The Salvation Army has done an enormous amount of work for our communities in the past 8-10 weeks. Food boxes, hot meals, home deliveries, prayer, remote pickups, drive-in church, online worship/Bible study, and helping our communities everywhere.
From its beginnings, The Salvation Army has always been an advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. In recent weeks, the definition of who is helpless has changed. Large amounts of people are furloughed from their jobs and even more work from home. Businesses’ are closed and entertainment is limited to what’s on TV and the Internet. People are walking on untrodden ground.
As our quarantine continues and restrictions are slowly lifted, let us be encouraged by our brothers and sisters still working in the field. We are still serving the people in our community. The officers and soldiers in the field are becoming local heroes.
Father, we thank you for those who continue to serve their communities. We thank you for the abilities and resources to help those in need. May we continue to serve in your name, whether that’s from behind a desk or from our kitchen tables or out in a parking lot handing out food and water. Continue to be with us, guide us, and grant us peace.