10 Questions with Liz Banks
"What a joy and blessing it is to have a job to meet so many people who just want to help!"
Liz Banks is the Volunteer Coordinator in Oklahoma City. Before her work with The Salvation Army, she volunteered at a local mission, ministering to clients and facilitating Bible Studies. Liz, along with her husband Ron, started a non-profit, The Sparrow House, feeding seniors and children through the regional Food Bank programs. Her favorite part about her job is the opportunity to share her faith and meet many people throughout the community.
1. How did you meet The Salvation Army?
I volunteered in a non-profit homeless shelter leading Bible studies. In 2013, I interviewed to be the Volunteer Coordinator for The Salvation Army and believe the Holy Spirit whispered, “this is your opportunity to spread the Gospel.”
2. What is your favorite and least favorite parts of your job?
My favorite part of my job is meeting our community volunteers. We need to take every opportunity to talk about Christ and the Army is the perfect environment. My least favorite part is the data entry and filing because it’s so time consuming.
3. Describe your leadership style and how you lead others?
I think leading is listening to the individuals God has placed in your life. I try to speak words of appreciation and gratitude to the volunteers who come through the Army’s doors. A kind heart and interest in their lives builds long lasting relationships.
4. Who is your most admired leader?
Jesus is my most admired leader because He promises “to never leave us or forsake us.” I am amazed every day at the specific prayers that are answered in my life. I see God feeding, clothing and caring for the poor every day.
5. How does faith influence your career and community?
I try to seek biblical truth and spiritual wisdom in my daily choices and decisions.
6. What do you do to unwind from the day?
My favorite way to relax is taking walks with my husband and our dog in the park. It’s a great time to reflect on the day and rest in God’s peace.
7. What keeps you motivated as you work to further the mission of the Army?
I see so much homelessness, substance abuse on the streets, small children living in the shelter, and people freezing in the winter. I also have a front row seat to witness the miracles of change and salvation in my workplace every day.
8. What has been one of your biggest joys and biggest challenges as a leader?
My biggest joy working with the Army is meeting people from all walks of life. What a joy and blessing it is to have a job to meet so many people who just want to help! One of the biggest challenges was the onset of COVID-19 with most of our volunteers being seniors and needing to stay home. Despite all of this, the Army is responsible for ministering, feeding and sheltering the community. God provided the volunteers as usual and showed us we needed to communicate with the Lord now more than ever.
9. What are you most proud of?
I am proud to be married for 34 years and have three loving children. God blessed me with a husband who is very kind and spiritual and is always willing to help me, whether it is a work project or helping a friend who is in need.
10. What is your favorite memory since becoming a part of The Salvation Army?
My favorite memory is working alongside our staff at the Army to prepare and bring an amazing volunteer banquet to fruition. To be able to have a hand in celebrating our volunteers who give of their time selflessly is such an honor and it was especially fulfilling to see the joy on their faces.